Monday, March 12, 2012

How to Fix the End of the Chex Mix

So I don't know about any of you, but I cannot stand the pretzels in Chex mix. They're always either tossed to my dog or just thrown away. I've also become very disappointed in the ratio of rye chips to the rest of the mix, and the disappearance of those soft little crackers that held the flavor of the Bold Party Mix so well. Well, today I figured I'd check the ingredients and see if I could salvage the end of my bag. It was AMAZING.

Here's what I did:
Preheated the oven to 250.
I melted about half a tablespoon of butter, poured it over the end of the bag (still in the bag)
I shook some Worcestershire sauce over it, maybe three or four shakes
I mixed parmesan cheese, garlic powder, onion powder, Lawry's Seasoned Salt, and garlic salt, coarse Kosher salt, and poured THAT in the bag. (In order of amount used...I didn't measure anything though, sorry.)
Then I just shook the daylights out of it.
I spread it out on a baking sheet (jellyroll pan) and baked it at 250 for about ten minutes just to dry it out and bake those flavors together. Parmesan cheese burns really fast, too, so you really don't want to overdo it. Also, it's just a tiny bit, so it doesn't need the traditional hour that homemade Chex mix needs.

A tip: Make sure you have the oven preheated and ready to go before you pour the butter and sauce over it, or else it'll get mushy and we don't want that! You also may be tempted to eat it while it's just sitting there waiting for the oven, and then you'll have nothing left to bake. I don't know from experience, I'm just saying that COULD happen. I dunno.

Here's what I think Chex Mix should look like. I mean if you're gonna eat something, you might as well enjoy it, right?

Disclaimer: I am a dodo bird and just pressed the bake button on my oven and let it start itself, and by default my oven preheats to 350. It burned a tiny bit.

I understand people make their own chex mix all the time, but I just don't have room in my pantry for three boxes of cereal that I will only use for a party mix. I figured I might as well just doctor up the mix they already sell in one little bag.

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